
Monday, March 22, 2010

Roommate Survey :)

Name: Daisy M.

Are you legal: Turning 21 in May 28

Male or Female: Female

Gay, Straight, Bi: Straight

Where do you live: Miami, FL

What role will you have in Disney: IDK yet

Arrival/Departure to Disney: August 9th

Where would you want to live: Chatham

How many roomates/rooms would you like: dont care

Do you like to party? Will you host your own party: Yes, i like to party and i dont think i will ever host party.

What's your favorite food, and more importantly, can you cook well: Well, i have many I really like Cuban food, Chinese n Japanese and pizza.

If your friends can describe you in 3 words what would they be: Fun, Outgoing, Sweet.

What kind of music/movies do you like: EVERYTHING!!!! I dont like any movies that has to do with rape.

Do you smoke: No

Do you drink: Yes

Are you a night person or a morning person: Both

Are you driving or flying down: Probably driving

What do you do for fun: Sing, Draw, Dance, Hang out with friends

What is your favorite quote: Me? I'm dishonest, and a dishonest man you always trust to be dishonest. Honestly. It's the honest one's you want to watch for because you can never predict when they're going to do something incredibly....stupid.

What are you most excited about in being in the W.D.W.C.P: to be able to learn how to live by myself and have responsibility because i am really getting tired of being babied.

Favorite things to do when not working: hang out with friends, watch movies and played movies.

Name 1 good quality about yourself: I always see the good in people and always try to help those who look sad.

Name 1 bad quality about yourself: I can sometimes quit on things.

Your college: Miami Dade College Kendall Campus

Your major: Music Education and Music Performance

Any medical conditions: Lactos

Messy or Tidy: In between...not too messy that it looks like a pigstyle, not to anal about being tidy meaning not a perfectionest.

Anything else you want to state: no not really hehe

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